AlumierMD brings the PRISM approach to skin, targeting the unique skin type and condition of each individual.

P = protect from UV damage

R = reduce inflammation

I = increase collagen, elastin and clarity

S = stimulate cell turnover

M = moisturise to obtain optimum hydration

Each peel is optimised for different skin types. Please contact me to find out the most suitable one for your skin condition.

Price List

Power Peel (60 mins) £120

Radiance 30 Peel (60 mins) £110

A post procedure kit containing trial size products is provided for you to use at home for the 1st few days after your peel

Courses of 6 or 12 peels available. Please enquire for further details


With its advanced, science-based formulation, a regime can be tailored to each individual. This is clean science with a luxurious feel, giving the ultimate client experience.


  • How does a chemical peel work?

    A chemical peel is a treatment used to improve skin texture and tone. An acid is applied to the skin to lower the PH, which loosens the connections between dead skin cells, including exfoliation and stimulating new cell growth. This process causes superficial layers of dead skin to peel off, revealing a smoother and more radiant complexion with minimal downtime.

    Chemical peels work by deeply exfoliating the surface layers of the skin, forcing your body to quickly replenish it with new cells. When peels are performed regularly, the skin gets used to this process and begins to rejuvenate itself like younger skin. Alumier peels are combined with antioxidants, anti-ageing and brightening serums to give greater benefits.

  • Can you treat sensitive skin?

    Absolutley, we recommend the Radiance 30 peel for clients with sensitive skin

  • Which peel is the right one for my skin?

    Before your chemical peel, we will carry out a thorough consultation and assess your skin, we can then suggest a peel that we feel would be suitable and build a bespoke treatment package for you. We do recommend at least two products for you to take home and get started using, this will prepare your skin for your peel.

    Your chemical peel results will be much better if your skin is prepped before hand, our salon is not just about doing as many treatments as we can fit in, but more about teaching clients about their own skin and delivering fantastic results. Your results will be much more impressive if you prepare your skin beforehand.